Copyright Notice
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Current Status
Operating Expenses
Saturday, November 14, 2020
IMS Publishing
Monday, November 9, 2020
Dividing the Collection
Monday, October 19, 2020
Book Covers
I was moving along nicely to rebuild the e-Storybook when I realized that I had divided the files into the Seven Books of the series. So what's the point of assembling the Three Volume Set without the covers for the seven books? So I switched over to designing the remaining covers. That way I can publish three books as Gnome-sized & Big People Books. When I get to Book Four, I am missing a few Illustration Panels, but not many. Then when those few illustrations are finished, I will have four finished books. The idea here being that the first three books will fund the artwork for the next two books and so on. Although, Book Five consists of only Scene Ten, which is predominately "The Gnomic Tales" and none of that is illustrated yet. That scene is very extensive. When I get up to Book Six and Seven, most of the illustrations in those books are also done, but still, there are quite a few to create or finish. I have a vision of how that may pan out, but we'll see. So, anyway, the covers are mostly done, but I still need to make the Synopsis pages, which serves as the back page on all seven books and they are all different. I have three done.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to sell the books until all the artwork is nearing completion, even though creating income will pay for the rest of the artwork. It rather depends on what the distributors have to say about it. Selling a good quantity to distributors will go a long way to funding operations.
That's all for now. AG
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
October Update
Here's a Link to
The narrated video is 39 minutes long and provides samples of the e-Storybook.
Status Report
I feel like all I do is update the writing process on this project. I never imagined that this would be so complex and take me half my life to complete. Oh Well. So here's where things stand:
First, I'd like to say that the sample video is narrated, possible too carefully, because it seems rather slow compared to fast paced videos so common today. But it is a good example of the e-Storybook and exemplifies the Read-Out Loud nature of the product.
As you might see from past posts, I was moving forward with the narration for the e-Storybook and the Audio Book. In terms of the Audio Book, it is only a "stage one" narration. I am doing character voices and singing some of the easier lyrics. I say easier lyrics because, being a stage musical, there are numerous choral pieces and other divisi songs, like ,duets, trios, quartets, quintets, sextets... and on up. It would be ridiculous for me to try to sing all those parts, so I deliver them in prose. I hope to do the Audio Book like an old time radio play with other people doing the voices and including the music where it's supposed to be in the show. It would be nice to use the performance from the stage play for that, but the contracts I know of disallow that. That might of changed since I was studying Entertainment Law, but even so, I think it best to produce that Audio Book separate from and before the stage play to avoid contract entanglements. I would be nice to avoid using union personnel so that we can keep it simple and if I am producing it as a sample project, to pitch it, then that's what I will do. I figure that if we need to do it over again with Union Contracts, then so be it. But I will leave that up to another Producer, because I'm not willing to mess with that. The thing that rubs me the most about that is the clause that gives them the right to audit the books,determine the expenditure legitimacy and dictate distribution. As far as I am concerned you add that in and... forget it, too much paperwork. I don't need that aggravation. So I'll hand it off to another Producer willing to contend with all that, either that or hire someone to monitor all that, but not before I get my due. It's all in the Business Plan and if we move into The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, the Board of Directors will handle all that.
OK, well, here's where it stands: I was moving forward, up to scene 15, when I found a layout error. Now along the way (I think I mentioned it in the last post) I found numerous sentence structure mistakes. It's a good thing I was doing the narration, because otherwise I would not have found those errors. This entire series has been proof-read thousands of times and yet, still, I found errors! It might have been because I have continually been required to rebuild the files (out of older files), due to failing storage systems. Even when I though I had rectified that problem it kept occurring. Recently I bought a NEW hard disc, thinking that the failing discs were due to age. I did the same thing with an SSD and two new Seagates failed with the main copies on them. what a nightmare. I think I solved the problem, but even now, I only have one cope of the most recent Revision of the Primary Layout files.
I set the files up in the Mac Pro, because the G5 Quad I was using (which I like a lot) had the boot drive fail, of course, with my main files on it. Luckily, I made like five copies of the files and put them all on different discs. But that ends up making it very difficult to find the most recent files, even with the Revision numbers on them. Anyway, the new set of files, or should I say the new design of the layout, allows me to make changes without diving too deep into the primary layout components to do that. It took me a long time to devise a structure that allowed me to do that. Basically all the design elements are set in stone, after a long process of refining the graphics involved. So no I only have to contend with text, which at this point makes it very much easier. I have to say that: it was necessary to integrate the GFX design with the textural design in order to craft the overall design. I don't think I could have come up with the overall look of the project if I had done it any other way, but it was an extremely laborious process. Basically, that is over now, of course, unless I find other mistakes. I think I have purged out all the possible errors, but I said that before, countless times.
So my most recent activity has been to convert all the page files over to a reduced JPEG format for use in the e-Storybook. I discovered that the files only really need to be 150 DPI and can be set to the proper aspect ratio, while being significantly smaller than my working files. So I scaled everything down through three levels, which also gives me more back-up capability in case something happens. Well, that puts me up to rebuilding the e-Storybook with the new revision. The entire project is broken into many files, which I ended up separating by Scenes. It became clear that serving the e-Storybook on a Subscription Page would be easier if I did it by scenes, so that also simplified my file structure. I had combined scenes when building the working files, because I needed to do that for hard copy publishing. Well, since I decided to structure the files for the needs of the e-Storybook, then I had to modify the gutters. When doing that I found divergences in the inner page sizes, which of course, I had to correct.
All this means that I am now rebuilding the e-Storybook, replacing the previous pages with the new ones. At first I though that I only needed to replace some pages, but there are size variances, so it's easier to just do a new one. I'm hoping that the narrations I already did will work. Now that I think of it though, the page turns are all timed out in the previous files. I don't know, I guess we'll see.
After the e-Storybook is finished using PowerPoint, I then convert it to a movie file. I'm hoping to set it up so that the files automatically play from scene to scene. If I can do that, without a link, then the files will be able to remain separate, which is preferable for giving options on the subscription page and allowing me to integrate Animation and the music. So that's the direction everything is going in.
The e-Storybook is completely laid out, sans the artwork for the remaining Illustrations. Relatively speaking the remaining illustrations are less than what has already been done, but even so, I am setting up a new Art Department to accommodate both the Illustrations and the foray into Animation. The way I see it, what has already been done is sufficient to generate the financing for the larger operation. Any way you look at it, I am extremely happy to be done with the complexities of the layout design. Everything is set up to easily integrate the new artwork in terms of the Illustrations, Animations, and Music. So we're "In Like Flynn", we only need more financing, mostly because I have a 20K sq ft building to take care of and a bunch of people I could hire if I had that.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
September 2020 Update
Friday, September 4, 2020
In-House Production
Here's an old business card that I used as an Ad which I posted in a Playbill for "The Pirates of Penzance" (years ago, the email is no good) |
It is clear that the changing environment is bringing about new methodology and those alterations to the marketplace are aligning themselves exactly to the structure that I designed into the entire product line of "The Gnomes of New Hope". This is quite fortuitous, since I have kept everything under wraps and developed capabilities for fulfilling the imagined potential within the atmosphere of Image of the Mind Studios, while anticipating the potential for the traditional path that projects of this nature travel. So I have designed the project to be able to avail itself of existing methodology and to break new ground, by virtue of it's Core Creative design.
Often times a project advances in the marketplace when it seems that the creative materials are ready for presentation, simply based on that criteria In that regard, the Libretto has been finished for over ten years and a production could have been developed from that. The basic music has also been "finished" sufficiently to support moving forward, however, the music is not sufficiently refined nor satisfactory in my mind. That is, in fact the next are of attention.
As I suppose you can glean from the other posts here, the focus of attention has been the Storybook. I have just burned the final layout to DVD for security reasons. I have had major problems with failing hard discs and have lost a great deal of work because of that. Not only have I lost work, but I have lost time. Years worth of delays have happened because of work that has had to have been done over, multiple times. So burning the layout materials to disc represents a certain level of finality. This is really the first time that the whole collection has been consistent throughout and thoroughly inspected and cross referenced to assure that. The only thing missing is the finishing artwork and composite illustrations. But now we are in a position to focus on that artwork, without the distraction of other design and layout issues. It would have been too costly to engage in the work of illustration while creating the designs for the layout. By designs I mean not only the book designs for both hard copy and e-Storybook, but also the production designs that are connected to producing a final product. Production design extends into the full range of manufacturing, marketing, distribution and the capability to expand upon an array of Secondary and ancillary markets while focusing on the Primary markets. It's very extensive and establishing the foundational elements is key to success.
The materials that have been presented thus far represent samples of the greater whole. Those sample were developed to establish the initial foundation and cause the Core Creative Materials to be manifested. As the CCM was refined the scope expanded to a degree that required certain methodologies to be developed and put in place. A great deal of that has been formed and across the board the designs for both the project and the work environment are in place and well established.
Implementation is underway and the rapidity of progress is wholly contingent upon capital influx. The intention had been, and remains, to generate that capital influx from the product lines and their own viability. This is a good plan, but external circumstances are somewhat precarious and maintain a threat potential to derail the progress. As much as I wish I could ignore this threat that lingers outside of the studio goals, objectives, internal balance of workload, and progress of this and other projects, I cannot.
Therefore, I must express the desire and need to generate sufficient capital influx to avert any external threat. What that means is that I will be focusing on posting information about "The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture" and the Front Money Agreements involved with "The Gnomes of New Hope". I will be posting that information on "IMS Producing Partners" but access to that page is by request only, because I do not want that information generally available to anyone who can read the blogs. Those are business documents which I will make available to our potential and real business partners. I will discuss other business matter on that private blog also, so if you are an Industry Professional considering involvement, that site is the one to discuss the project. I may or may not allow comments on that site. Currently I do not, but as a production tool, I think I will set up another page for production personnel.
That's all for now. AG
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Scene Shop
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Pages from the Final Layout
It is intended to be seen as the e-Storybook on a large screen HDTV.
how the e-Storybook functions, with narration.
you will see the difference.
broken into Scenes, rather than Books.
On the left, below, is the Complimentary Ticket Page.
For those person who purchase
a Signed and Numbered Edition
or an Edition From any Special Event
This page is included in the book, on the back of the Signing Certificate.
The Page is self-explanatory.
There are terms for Two-Fers and Complimentary tickets
which will be posted here
(on the side panel).
Briefly: Two-Fers and Comp Certificates
must be redeemed no later than one hour before curtain,
In the instance of the Comp Certificate (seen here) in the book
the entire published book must be shown at the Box Office,
they are for Comp Seating (which is an area set aside by the theatre),
there are a limited number Comp seats offered at each show,
it is contingent upon availability
and they are offered at the theatre's discretion.
They may also be used to receive a discount on General Seating.
when it is presented smaller like this,
Part of the reason is the amount of information I squeezed onto the page,
but I needed it to be on one page.
Because of that, some of the text needed to be smaller
and it lost clarity with use of different colors and sizes in each word.
But it does print well, which was the main purpose at the time.
It is only digitally that it does not read as well,
because of the variations introduced
by different viewing screens.
even if it does not read as well I want it to.
Although, with the narration it doesn't matter.
at least until I feel the need to change it, again.
Here's a link to
IMS Publishing
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Assembling the e-Storybook
Here are two panels which make up that questionable page. They have been combined into one page and the design has been altered in numerous ways to improve the clarity . The images posted here are too small to enlarge well, because they were taken from The Gnome-sized Book. It is the only page where I use this design. It was an experiment which I decided to keep and it is used as the Inside Back Cover of the Hard Copy Books (it does print better than is shows digitally). You can see what I mean about the clarity. I'll replace these panels with the actual page, later. Hopefully the clarity will be better, we'll see. AG
Friday, August 7, 2020
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
A Sudden Awareness
New Stage
Thursday, July 30, 2020
A Promotional Video
Here's a link QuickTime Movie that I created from the Preface of
I'm still working on the settings, but the video speaks for itself.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
IMS Publishing
Saturday, July 11, 2020
e-Storybook and Published Books
if you are interested in buying books or contact me via email;
and saved the pages as DOCX, PSD, PDF, and JPG files.
The journey of refining the material,
making corrections to the graphics and the text
has been nothing short of a nightmare for various reasons.
I go into that in other posts,
but now I have finally saved the files in all the formats that I use
for both the e-Storybook and the hard copy published editions.
Now, I must also state that the entire collection is not finished,
we still need more illustrations
but at least the final layout is completed !
done... done. Yahoo !
I'm still setting up the e-storybook, the audio book and the printer files,
but the hard work of locking in the layout is finished.
Also we still need to create and install
quite a bit of artwork and illustrations.
As it stands now,
I'd say that that five out of the seven books in the collection
are illustrated,
but only three books are complete enough to sell.
The Book Four needs less than 15 illustrations,
while Book Five is a collection short stories
derived from
The Gnomic Tales
and has not been illustrations at all because of that.
When last we worked on the artwork,
the mission was to illustrate
Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure
and so, when Volume Two, Act Two, Scene Ten became Book Five,
it was composed entirely of brief stories,
which are the foundation of
The Gnomic Tales
and those tales were not illustrated.
So, right in the middle of the collection, there are no illustrations.
Books Six and Seven are largely illustrated,
but some of those illustrations need to be replaced
to avoid redundancy.
or brief snippets in the form of GIFs or .MOV files.
One aspect of that plan is to create the entire series as
an animated film
and to do so scene by scene,
presenting those clips as part of the e-Storybook,
accessible via a subscription page.
How this plan will work out is yet to be seen,
since the subscription page, the shopping cart for sales,
and the remaining illustrations for the entire collection
are not yet finished.
But... the layout is done,
leaving me free to concentrate on other aspects of production,
such as working with Jency and other artists to finish the illustrations,
working in the shop to set up the scene shop, sound stage,
production line, inventory and shipping,
working on the gallery, showroom and sales office.
I'm enthused to have more freedom to work on
the animatronic puppetry and the parade float.
from the work that is complete.
There is a dilemma with whether or not to release any of the books
before the entire collection is complete.
I can release Volume One, because that is
"An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope"
and stands on it's own, but the rest of the collection
is tied directly to the Stage Musical
and is broken into Scenes that match that show.
Volume Two consists of Act One, Scenes 1-9,
with three scenes in each of the three books
Books Two, Three and Four.
Volume Three consists of Scenes 10-20,
with Scene 10 (The Gnomic Tales) being in Book Five,
Scenes 11-14 being in Book Six
and Scenes 15-20 being in Book Seven.
So that is the makeup of the collection.
figuring that for those members,
the pages without artwork will still be available to read.
On that subject, in the current layout,
pages without artwork are fully designed
and match those pages with finished artwork.
The only difference is that instead of artwork
are description panels defining the artwork
that will be placed in the allotted space.
My thinking is that via the subscription page,
members can watch as we create the art
and replace the panels with the finished illustration,
but also, as we proceed,
illustrations will be replace with animations.
This approach cannot be done with the printed books,
so it is a different product.
"Gnomes in a Gnutshell"
will be a product containing all the materials,
including the feature film
(and possibly the Libretto and Score as well)
that a personcan put on their shelf
to view at anytime,
without needing to go on the subscription page.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Stage Designs
Now onto The sets for the Gnomes:
As I have said, I am setting up the shop, most particularly the wood and metal working areas. Part of that deals with storage and spacial design. I have made mention of this before, but in the wood working area, where the sets will be (in large part) constructed, I have a working area that matches the turntable on the stage in The Bucks County Playhouse. Initially the show was designed using The Mitchell Performing Arts Centre as a model stage, But those two stages are quite different.
MPAC has a working stage area of 40'x 24', while BCP (assuming the use of the turntable for set changes) has an approximate working stage area of 29'x 19. Those areas are upstage of the proscenium without a thrust. Other theatres around the country are basically in-between those dimensions. I will need to be gathering stage specifications before I determine the actual size of the sets to be constructed. As it stands now, my studio can accomodate constructing the show for a 20'x 16' stage. If I design the components to be independent from oneanother, then positioning can take up the slack. I figure the drops can have wings to take them upo to the 40' dimension if necessary, or we can (as I had planned) have the legs serve as those extensions and taper them out toward downstage.
My point here is that I need to gather a list of theatres where we will take this show to after we mount it. I need to have the dimensions before we construct the sets, unless I assume that the show needs to be flexible enough to set up on any stage that falls between those two working areas. That's probably the best approach, but I'll be doing the research and invite any theatre owners or producers who may be interested to contact me. I do intend to construct this show as a rental, meaning that the show we mount in the studio will be available for rental to any producer wishing to put up a presentation and the basic cadre of supplies, sets, costumes, props, libretto and score (including MIDI or live recordings) will be rented out as a package deal.
I'm also building the parade float to work out at 20'x8' which will be used to promote any location the show goes up, including festivals.
So all of this is open for discussion. Start that discussion via email, or come over to the studio in Southampton.
That's all for now. AG
Monday, June 22, 2020
Status Report
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Theatre Notes
I was reading about the theatres opening up again and it got me thinking about the theatre aspect of "The Gnomes of New Hope". The Libretto has been done for some time. It's fully re fined as a foundation for the show, with many technical notes included. Of course, the text includes dialogue, lyrics, blocking, and operational notes, but it also has design notes. The Score, however, needs to be completed. I have drafts of each song in various forms. There are Leadsheets for the melody lines on most songs. Only those that have not been arranged have not been printed out. Only a few songs have the full orchestral arrangement printed out. My effort was to secure Lead Sheets for the singers,with Piano adaptations, without worrying about the orchestrations.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Most Recent Activity
Monday, June 1, 2020
Slowly but Surely...
Friday, May 22, 2020
Status of the Storybook ðŸŽ
Sunday, May 10, 2020
An Exciting Development
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
New Material
There I was, thinking the HDTV e-Storybook was nicely reaching completion (sans finishing artwork) and - low & behold I discovered another 153 pages that I somehow forgot to include. I think I nixed the pages in this version, but as I was doing the finishing work on the layout, I realized taking those pages out was not a good idea.
Well, those pages are actually sections taken from The Gnomic Tales. So it's good to include those tales, even if it does increase the size of the books. At least those stories are included in the registrations.
So here we are again; more delays... But I guess it's necessary.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Volume One
Here is a copy of the most recent post made on The Gnome of New Hope Facebook Page.
This is a promotional flyer for the hard copy books of Volume One. These books are available for purchase.
The Big People's Book is $29.95 plus $5.00 for shipping.
The Gnome-sized Book is $8.99 plus $2.50 for shipping.
Double check the shipping by using the price on the order form.
These books are published on-demand and they are not inventoried, so there will be a delay in shipping, as they need to be made to order.
(Since posting images from this devise does not work well, check the Facebook link above. I will post images when I update this post, or search below, since they have steady been posted.)
You can send me an email or IM me if you'd like pay using PayPal or if you'd like me to send you a PDF of these documents.
Below you will find an order form you can mail in with your check or money order.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
IMS Publishing
Saturday, April 4, 2020
HDTV, Formats
Here is a link to the Facebook Gnomes of New Hope page, where I posted on this subject.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Industry Review
Thursday, March 26, 2020
and hard-copy books.
I intended for this presentation to put here on the blog,
it is too large to post
and download the file.
In the future I hope to post it here
Monday, March 23, 2020
(for a newer version I can send it to you via e-mail)
I was using IMS Producing Partners for the significant business management information, and that will continue, but that site is a closed site only for Vested Business Partners. I need to do more refinement on that site, as well as the e-Storybook Subscription Service, so restructuring this site will be slow. I do believe that more direct pertinent Business Information needs to be posted here (since it's not restricted) and I will be trying to do that. But the real meaty Business Contract and Management information will still be reserved for IMS Producing Partners.
If anyone specializes in ISP Servers, as in subscription services for Gnomes in a Gnutshell, let me know and we can discuss it.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Industry Review
![]() |
An older version of the page layout, but representative of the new look. |
I've addressed a number of relative subjects herein, so a search through the posts may prove fruitful. I want to avoid being redundant, but some of the discussions may be somewhat outdated. Overall, however, the basics are pertinent and the components are absolutely valid, even if the actual working documents have been updated from what is presented here. My modus operandi does not change from what I present here, engaging with Business Partners in this project will depend on the discussions of both parties, but what I present here (and elsewhere; IMS Producing Partners) is in effect my position, from which I do not intend on diverging, unless of course, someone wants to make me a better offer. I can say however, anyone making an effort to undercut what I have presented as my position, will be shown the door. So please don't attempt to do that. My terms are extremely reasonable. AG
Today, I finished the full three volumes in the collection and have made it all ready for transfer to PowerPoint as JPG files. I have to say it is quite satisfactory, if not fantastic. I'm very pleased to have refined it, not only to be consistent throughout, but was able to make a collection of subtle adjustments that really make it dynamic. So this look will now extend through all published items, hard copy and electronic.