Here's a photo from my thirties, just to make this post more interesting. Of course, now I'm 66 and don't quite look the same. You know how that goes!
After spending a week or so focused on replacing my HVAC and Hot Water Heater (doing it myself) I returned my workstation to continue working on the e-Storybook. It is very clear to me that I cannot move away from work on the Gnomes for very long, because the materials are complex enough that I will loose track of what I was doing. I post this as a means to convey the necessity of transferring the lion's share of momentum to a level of production activity that delegates critical activities into departmental objectives. This requires sufficient funding to implement. I only know that the burden of forward momentum needs to be transfered out of my sphere, because I am easily distracted with far too many "projects" that have nothing to do with producing the Gnomes. I have pushed these "projects" aside for the sake of developing the Gnomes and there are many of these that cry out to be attended to. Doing so risks loosing track of the Core Creative Materials. This is why my concentration has, for so long, been focused on finishing those materials down to only installing the artwork. The one critical thing that needs to be achieved is purging my workstation of all revisions of the work, except the final revision. But that can't be done until the publishing materials are done, done, done.
It's disturbing to discover that I can so easily loose track of the complex of materials in my own computer. This is another reason the materials cannot be released until they are considered finished.
Well, I thought it apporopriate to convey that, so that management relationships might develop to avert stalling the momentum by my inevitable distraction.
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