Here are two panels which make up that questionable page. They have been combined into one page and the design has been altered in numerous ways to improve the clarity . The images posted here are too small to enlarge well, because they were taken from The Gnome-sized Book. It is the only page where I use this design. It was an experiment which I decided to keep and it is used as the Inside Back Cover of the Hard Copy Books (it does print better than is shows digitally). You can see what I mean about the clarity. I'll replace these panels with the actual page, later. Hopefully the clarity will be better, we'll see. AG
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This is to proclaim that all materials posted on this blog are property of and copyrighted by Image of the Mind Studios/Arthur Greisiger .
These materials may not be reproduced or copied without permission. They are posted here for you personal review only.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Assembling the e-Storybook
I was making a few minor changes, after discovering that the Preface to Book One had a design variation from the rest of the collection. So rather than change the entire 800 pages, I removed that element from the Preface, since it wasn't that important, it was questionable anyway, and that only involved around 15 pages. But while I was at it, I realized that the layout had accommodations in it for a full bleed for the printing press, so I decided to crop the page for the e-Storybook. Well, by doing so I gained at least 15% in the image size. On the HDTV that is huge, not to mention on your hand-held devises. I have a few sections (actually only one page really) where the clarity of the text is uncertain, but I left it in anyway, because with narration, that doesn't really matter. I'll post that page here when I can. So I think the gain of so much more image area is a really big plus. I keep thinking I can't make it better and somehow I manage to do that. I can't wait until I can install animations (or even clips of the puppet show).
Here are two panels which make up that questionable page. They have been combined into one page and the design has been altered in numerous ways to improve the clarity . The images posted here are too small to enlarge well, because they were taken from The Gnome-sized Book. It is the only page where I use this design. It was an experiment which I decided to keep and it is used as the Inside Back Cover of the Hard Copy Books (it does print better than is shows digitally). You can see what I mean about the clarity. I'll replace these panels with the actual page, later. Hopefully the clarity will be better, we'll see. AG
Here are two panels which make up that questionable page. They have been combined into one page and the design has been altered in numerous ways to improve the clarity . The images posted here are too small to enlarge well, because they were taken from The Gnome-sized Book. It is the only page where I use this design. It was an experiment which I decided to keep and it is used as the Inside Back Cover of the Hard Copy Books (it does print better than is shows digitally). You can see what I mean about the clarity. I'll replace these panels with the actual page, later. Hopefully the clarity will be better, we'll see. AG