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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Scene Shop

I'm reorganizing the scene shop to include a delineated area for a 24' diameter turn table. This turntable will match The Bucks County Playhouse stage (BCP). So even though the blocking and set design sketches were designed for The Michelle Performing Arts Centre stage (MPAC) the show is being redesigned for smaller stages, use BCP as a guide. I'll go into details about that later and I'll be posting designs on a separate page that will only be accessible to our crew.

The sets are being built to use the downstage half for the current scene, while the next scene is being loaded upstage. Right and left will be stage props thematically tied into the Shakespeare doors. It's likely that those areas will be positioned from the turntable, but that's yet to be seen.

 A good portion of the scenery will be drops and flats, because the show needs to fit  into a 35' trailer. I'm opting for the smaller trailer for manuverabiliy in the cities. I'm not sure the larger show will fit in one trailer. But for now I'm only focusing on keeping the show sized so it will fit in one 35 footer.

I expect to make the sets flexible enough to cover a mid-sized non-union stage as well as the parade float and the festival environment. I'm leaving the first class operation  to either the Board of Directors or a licensed external producing group. But my focus will be on setting it up for presentation on my sound stage (20w x 16d) for the purpose of recording the scenes in the book using puppets. There will be some flexibility as to stage size.

That's all for now.