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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Most Recent Activity

Well, as I have said, the Storybook, beginning with Volume Three and working backwards has been being conformed to a new background page. This process has gone back and forth about the three times, in order to check and adjust the page numbers. The discovery of new material and installing that into the layout has extended that time and the effort required to do that, but also, I discovered sections of text that were somehow missing and needed to correct that.

One element here is that; where there is no artwork (because it hasn't been created yet) the space for the artwork has been estimated and a description panel inserted. I am somewhat concerned that when the artwork is created the area on the page will need to be larger than anticipated. That will change the page layout, numbering and the length of the book. That would be fine for the e-Storybook, because changes and updates can easily occur, but in terms of the hard copy books, that might present a diffculty. Luckily, Volume One is finished and Volume Two is only missing a few illusrations. The larger part of the missing illustrations are in Volume Three and publishing that can be delayed if necessary.

As I write this, I wonder if it would be possible to select an image and enlarge it. Of course, that could only happen if the e-Storybook is viewed on a computer. I may integrate that function into the Storybook. I will be inserting animation, so maybe that zoom function will be integrated throughout the book.

The most recent activity has been to conform Volume One to the new background. Although Volume One has been published, it needs to match the rest of the series. The changes in the background include adjustments to the text and the color balance and density of the page, as well as creating a different method of layering the components, so as to reduce the working file size. The new methodology give more freedom to integrate active elements and a wider latitude for make corrections and additions.

So Volume One is almost finished being confirmed to Volumes Two and Three. Overall there seems to be 743 pages, not including prefaces and appendixes. I am looking forward to binding the prototypes if the Three Volume Set. As I said before, the Gnome-sized books will be issued as a seven book set, while the Big People books will be issued as a Three Volume Set. The e-Storybook will be initially released as a subscription page, until all the animations for the entire series are complete, at which time the collection will be sold as "Gnomes in a Gnutshell".

So there is the status of thing so far. I will be, and am, looking for a Theatrical Agent to manage some of the external business of the project and although I am publishing this in-house, I am looking to contract out distribution and publishing management. I am simply too busy with other studio work to do an effective job of saturating the market. Do contact me if you have interest, abilities and resources to engage at the appropriate level. AG πŸŽ­πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ