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Monday, June 1, 2020

Slowly but Surely...

So, you can read about the progress and the delays that. I am experiencing in the effort to complete the Storybooks. It is unbelievable the way I make discoveries along the way. On Saturday I decided to work on the books, instead of my usual work on my vehicles or the shop maintenance. Ok, and what did I discover? More pages missing... 39 pages were missing from Scene Eight. How does this happen? It's a good thing I decided to redo the background for Volume Two also, otherwise I would not have found those missing pages until I was trying to print the books, and that would have wasted time and money, for more than just me. The bummer here is that those missing pages in Scene Eight mean I have to renumber Volume Three... AGAIN!  Well, these are the challenges that must be surmounted.

I began this endeavor in 1997. We're looking at twenty-three years. But it's not just a book, it's a full stage musical and a dozen ancillary markets that have also been developed, in addition to the support arenas of puppetry and the developing parade and little theatre arenas. So all this takes time to design, built, and present. But the other significant factor is setting up the studio to service those activities, so I can't really complain, but it is frustrating to have a strong vision but limited resources with which to implement that plan. Oh well, that's just the way it is. AG 🎭