I expect to be developing animations for the purpose of creating gifs to be included in the e-Storybook. Now that the (prototype edition) of the three volume set of the Storybook series is almost ready to be printed, I am starting to think about animations again for that reason. We will be working on the illustrations again in the not to distant future, in order to finish the books. Of course, a substantial amount of money needs to be secured before we can advance in that direction, but a distribution deal for the book series may bring those funds. Another possiblity is licensing certain production or merchandizing rights, so that will be considered.
All the technical work of the layout is (for the most part) finished and the next stage is to concentrate on creating the remaining illustrations. That effort will include setting up the methodology for animation as well. If another producing organization proposes engaging in that end of things, I am open to that, considering all the other arenas that are currently underway.
That's all for now. AG