"Bezaliel becomes a Master Gnome "
The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture
Advancement into the First Class Theatre & First Run Cinema Productions,
in addition to the numerous other Ancillary Markets, including Television,
is contingent upon establishment of the Joint Venture.
Advancement in the Limited Edition Publishing Arena is the Purview of
Image of the Mind Studios
while the Unlimited Editions will belong to the Joint Venture.
The Secondary Markets: Festival & Environmental Theatre,
Independent Animated Film,
Puppetry, Animatronics,
and Garden Gnomes & Figurines
are the purview of Image of the Mind Studios
All the rights to this project,
with the exception of those retained by Image of the Mind Studios,
will be turned over to the Joint Venture
once the Structure is firmly established
and the appropriate number of Board Members
buys into the project.
There is a fixed number of shares in the project
47% of which will be sold to
active members of the JointVenture,
the Balance of which belong to Image of the Mind Studios
ad infinitum.
The ratio of shares will always remain the same in the event of a stock split.
Acquisition of 100% of the project
can only be achieved by purchase of
Image of the Mind Studios
The Industry Review Package
makes reference to this Joint Venture
and the Business Plan outlines the basic terms.
The Business Plan
is developing and takes into account a larger operation than just
"The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure"
this Business Plan defines an Operating Structure
that incorporates multiple divisions
that in current terms, represents separate business entities,
but are linked to effect the production
of this and other projects of a similar nature.
This multi-faceted Business Operation is to be Founded and Supervised by
The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture
Image of the Mind Studios.
Accommodation is also made
for the outright Sale of
The Gnomes of New Hope Franchise
along with
Image of the Mind Studios
and other projects in various stages of development.