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This is to proclaim that all materials posted on this blog are property of and copyrighted by Image of the Mind Studios/Arthur Greisiger .
These materials may not be reproduced or copied without permission. They are posted here for you personal review only.


Monday, August 21, 2023

The Libretto/Score

I guess I have to prove that we actual do have a Libretto and a Score,
so here's a shot of those materials.

Both the Libretto and Score are divided into 
Act One & Act Two

Even though Act One Score looks pretty beefy there,
that doesn't include the score for individual Instruments.
It is designed for a 24 piece Pit Orchestra
and what you see there are drafts of the final score
and not all numbers are printed out there.

Below is a long shot of the Production breakdown 
that outlines the timing of the show,
including production numbers and set changes,
assuming the sets are along the lines of the ones I have designed,
which may not be the case, since things have expanded since then.

It doesn't really tell you much, except that 
this degree of Production Breakdown 
is done and hanging on the back of my door.
It's really only a timing document,
 outlining the musical numbers, their timing, length of dialogue, 
scene timing, bridges and set change timing.

Oh, and there is some blocking in there too.
The Libretto has Technical, Operational and Directorial notes included.

In the larger scheme of things, there's way more work to do. 

For now I'm focused on publishing the Illustrated Storybooks.
After that I will publish the Libretto and continue working on the score.

There's still more Arrangements that need to be done,
but there's a lot of numbers that I can do the final score on.

I have to go back and redo the Divisi and the time signatures
(that I lost due to a hard drive failure)
as well as other aspects of the score that need to be addressed.

But I'm not going to touch the music until 
the Illustrated Storybooks are finished and are being published.
Mainly, because I don't want to overburden my computer 
and end up with more hard drive failures.

Truth be told, 
I lost ten years worth of work with numerous hard drive failures, 
work that I had to rebuild or recreate.

That is why it has taken me so long to do this.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

"Never Been So Near"

 Well, while I'm at it I guess I'll post this song again.
This is the First Song in the show
(other than the Overture)

"Never Been So Near"

I made this as a animation almost ten years ago
using the Artwork we had at the time.
We have not recorded anyone singing it yet,
so I just put the lyrics up as a scroll up the screen.
I think you can get the gist of it.

I don't think I need a bouncing ball.

The email at the end if this film is no longer valid. 
use the gmail one on the sidebar.


A Promotional Powerpoint

 A Sample of the e-Storybook Format

As I was working on posting the "Talking head" video below,
I found this sample powerpoint presentation I made
as a test for how the e-Storybook might look.

I was experimenting with what I could do with PowerPoint.

It's a little stiff, the narration,
 because I was worried about slurring the words
and I tried to narrate it at a reasonable speed 
that one might casually read the material.
I did not want to read it too fast.
You know how it is,
 sometimes you just take things too seriously.

The narration from this is published in

 Volume/Book: One Introduction to 

Oh well, take it for what it is.

I am about to actively seek Agency Representation, 
so this might help.

Also, I hope to locate Theatre & Film Producers 
who may like to be involved as well.
I expect that this gives a good picture of the project.

I think I probably posted this years ago when I made it.
I've been totally engaged in the publishing end of things
and I didn't realize that finishing that would take years.


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture

"Bezaliel becomes a Master Gnome "

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture

Advancement into the First Class Theatre & First Run Cinema Productions,
in addition to the numerous other Ancillary Markets, including Television,
is contingent upon establishment of the Joint Venture.

Advancement in the Limited Edition Publishing Arena is the Purview of 
Image of the Mind Studios
while the Unlimited Editions will belong to the Joint Venture.

The Secondary Markets: Festival & Environmental Theatre, 
Independent Animated Film,
Puppetry, Animatronics,  
and Garden Gnomes & Figurines
are the purview of Image of the Mind Studios

All the rights to this project, 
with the exception of those retained by Image of the Mind Studios,
 will be turned over to the Joint Venture 
once the Structure is firmly established 
and the appropriate number of Board Members 
buys into the project.

There is a fixed number of shares in the project
47% of which will be sold to
active members of the JointVenture,
the Balance of which belong to Image of the Mind Studios
ad infinitum.

The ratio of shares will always remain the same in the event of a stock split.

Acquisition of 100% of the project
can only be achieved by purchase of 
Image of the Mind Studios

The Industry Review Package 
makes reference to this Joint Venture
and the Business Plan outlines the basic terms.

The Business Plan
is developing and takes into account a larger operation than just
"The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure"
this Business Plan defines an Operating Structure 
that incorporates multiple divisions
that in current terms, represents separate business entities,
but are linked to effect the production
of this and other projects of a similar nature.

This multi-faceted Business Operation is to be Founded and Supervised by 
The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture
Image of the Mind Studios.

Accommodation is also made 
for the outright Sale of 
The Gnomes of New Hope Franchise
along with 
Image of the Mind Studios
and other projects in various stages of development.