Rather than add these pages to the last post, I'm posting them separately.
The Credit page may or may not show up well here,
since I cannot enlarge it to it's intended size.
It is intended to be seen as the e-Storybook on a large screen HDTV.
The first page describes the Signed & Numbered Limited Editions,
while the second page begins the Preface to Volume One.
I posted a link to a Promotional Video below that shows
how the e-Storybook functions, with narration.
If you compare these pages with that presentation,
you will see the difference.
It seems now that the e-Storybook will be delivered in Volumes,
broken into Scenes, rather than Books.
The reason is that the narration increases the file size,
thus making delivery of the Volumes as Books more difficult electronically.
So, the Big Peoples Books will be delivered as Three Printed Volumes,
while the Gnome-sized Editions will be delivered as Seven Printed Books.
On the left, below, is the Complimentary Ticket Page.
For those person who purchase
a Signed and Numbered Edition
or an Edition From any Special Event
This page is included in the book, on the back of the Signing Certificate.
The Page is self-explanatory.
There are terms for Two-Fers and Complimentary tickets
which will be posted here
(on the side panel).
Briefly: Two-Fers and Comp Certificates
must be redeemed no later than one hour before curtain,
In the instance of the Comp Certificate (seen here) in the book
the entire published book must be shown at the Box Office,
they are for Comp Seating (which is an area set aside by the theatre),
there are a limited number Comp seats offered at each show,
it is contingent upon availability
and they are offered at the theatre's discretion.
They may also be used to receive a discount on General Seating.

As you can see, the Credit page is not as clear as I would like
when it is presented smaller like this,
even though I altered it from the the panel design to improve it.
Part of the reason is the amount of information I squeezed onto the page,
but I needed it to be on one page.
Because of that, some of the text needed to be smaller
and it lost clarity with use of different colors and sizes in each word.
But it does print well, which was the main purpose at the time.
It is only digitally that it does not read as well,
because of the variations introduced
by different viewing screens.
It's the one page that I just decided to leave in,
even if it does not read as well I want it to.
Although, with the narration it doesn't matter.
I like it, so I'm leaving it ...
at least until I feel the need to change it, again.
Here's a link to
IMS Publishing