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This is to proclaim that all materials posted on this blog are property of and copyrighted by Image of the Mind Studios/Arthur Greisiger .
These materials may not be reproduced or copied without permission. They are posted here for you personal review only.


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reviewing this blog via the Archive files

I was just looking this blog over, trying to extract images to put in the sidebar, and I was using the Archive folders that are located in the left-hand sidebar. That is a very good way to explore the subjects that have been addressed here, but I have to say - take it with a grain of salt. I stated expectations in such a way as I believed the progression was going to occur. But I have to say; I know nothing! I feel like Sargent Schultz on Hogan's Hero's. Every time I think the road goes right, it goes left. It's impossible to know what is on the other side of the hill, even if you've been there before, the landscape changes over time. So take it with a grain of salt and accept it for what it is - hopes and expectations.

I try to outline the progress of The Gnomes of New Hope and to paint a picture of the scope involved in producing this show, publishing the books, and developing assorted product lines... and I hope that the picture is clear enough and enjoyable enough to look at. More than that, I know that many people need to be involved in this for it to reach out on an international scale, the scale it is designed for. But I also know that certain foundational components must be locked into place before that degree of involvement can occur.

The most recent effort to complete the e-Storybook designs covers a wide berth, and putting it up on a subscription page will make that information available to, not only the consuming public, but also the professionals who need to be involved. All editions of the Illustrated Storybook serve the dual purpose of telling the story in an enjoyable way and presenting is as Storyboards for cinema production, be it live action, animation, or puppetry.

Once again, I invite professionals and investors to contact me if any of this so perks your interest. I've put thirty years of work into this and frankly, handing the ball off doesn't sound like a bad idea to this old guy.