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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nearing the Finish Line

So here it is.

The e-Storybook is designed for viewing on HDTV, but fortunately I have been able to design the layout in such a way as to also serve for the hard copy publishing mechanicals. But in order to do that, there had been a complex of elements that have had to have been adjusted accordingly. I wouldn't have thought that it was as difficult as it turned out to be. It's not any one element that made it difficult, but rather the composite of many, many elements, not the least of which is an ongoing problem with corrupted files. I'm not sure why that occurs, but I have had to do the same work over again, really, countless times. I might have said this before, but I have found out, by trial and error, that I need to bring a file up to completion, flatten it into a pdf, and save the file in various renditions, in assorted locations. Only then do I have a shot at getting back into the most recent versions. An example is this; I'm up to Revision 127 on my main file, but I've had to go back to earlier revisions to open a file I can actually work with. Even as far back as Revision 25.   That means a lot of work to revise 25 up to 127, just to make a correction. Another example is this; after I finished the entire layout for HDTV (Revision 112) I discovered that the color balance in the files shifted when I transfered the pages into a PPX file (PowerPoint). So I had to go back and alter the layout for that end use. It took me over six months to do that. No wonder I've been working on the Storybook layout for over ten years. Add to that the Libretto, Composing and Writing the Score, and Developing ancillary product lines and the artwork for illustrations, Crafting a Business Plan, and building the Studio and you can imagine why it's been over thirty years.

So, next on the list is to build an updated PowerPoint with narration of the entire Three Volume Set.

You know that won't be the end of it, but at least we will have a product we can show around. I still need more artwork for the illustrations. At least then it will only be a matter of inserting that artwork into the finished layout.

Oh yes, I'm also moving ahead with building the Parade float.

Well, onward and upward. AG