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Friday, November 29, 2019

11/19 Update, HDTV

This post is copied from a Facebook post, for those of you not using Facebook.

So I just finished the HDTV layout for the e-Storybook. Finishing that layout means that the entire collection is also ready for publishing as well.

There is one caveat to that; there are still 348 more illustration panels needed, but all other work is finished. Inserting the illustrations, once they are finished, is easy by comparison. Many of the pages use more than one illustration, so it isn't as bad as it sounds.

There are 634 pages that comprise the entire collection;

Volume One, Book One, "An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope" is 80 pages.

Volume Two, Books Two thru Four = Act One, Scenes One thru Nine of the Libretto "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure"

Volume Three, Books Four thru Seven = Act Two, Scenes Ten thru Twenty of the Libretto, "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure"

The files are .PSD, which need to be converted to .PDF, then to .PPT.  After that, the entire collection needs to be narrated. Then the entire collection, along with the Business Plan gets burned to multiple DVDs for presentation to Industry Professionals.

Once all this is finished, the e-Storybook will be made available to people via an online subscription and the collection will be posted there in increments as the artwork for the illustrations is finished. As it stands now, the portions of the e-Storybook where art is missing, contains description panels, which will be replaced with the finished artwork.

The exciting thing about presenting it this way is that I will be able to replace the illustrations with animations, gradually as we finish them. Animation work will not begin until after the Illustration are completed.

It is expected at the hard copy books will be released every six months. Details on the hard books will be posted after I complete the first prototype of the full collection.

 The collection will not be sold as "Gnomes in a Gnutshell" until certain issues are worked out with that and after we determine how to include the animations in that product line.