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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Parade Float

I'm posting on this subject using a new devise, so this is really a test for me.

After writing the last post I started thinking about the size and shape of the parade float. It gets down to the mobile stage being put into application, for example, at the end of The Southampton Days Parade at the carnaval/fair taking place in Tamanend Park after the parade. So that parade float will also need to serve as a stage for the puppet show. I'm thinking that blending live performance with puppetry may be the best approach to presenting the show in the context of assorted festivals, including "Gnome Fest".

As I said before, the parade float dimensions will also need to be applicable in a Little Theatre environment. As I write this, i'm thinking that a show which starts out with puppets may transition into a live performance. That would be interesting.

So those are some recent thoughts. AG