There will be numerous opportunities for sponsorship in this production process. The one we are focusing on now is for the Storytelling sessions in the library. Our goal is to conduct the readings in any number of libraries in the immediate area. One aspect of those readings will be giving out The Gnome-sized books to the kids that attend the readings. The Big People books will be available for purchase, but the Gnome-sized Books (in this instance) are being used for promotion of the project as a whole. Therefore, we will be looking for sponsors, who will receive due credit, in exchange for funding a production run of books, as well as other expenses to conduct the readings. A budget is in process for those readings, but the items in the budget will include; 1) the books to give as gifts 2) the cost of labor to set-up, conduct the reading, tear-down, and return the supplies to the studio. 3) Per Diem for the participants for food and housing (if needed), 4) additional promotional materials (such as order forms, flyers, posters, and stand up cutouts of the characters) 5) funding to complete the puppets to be used in the readings (in addition to puppeteers) 6) paid Two-fers for the show (to add support for other work, such as continuing with illustrations and artwork needing to complete the series).
If you would like to discuss being a sponsor contact Arthur Greisiger at;
There will be other benefits offered to our sponsors
beyond the advertising value.