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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Some Thoughts About Cinema

Of course, this is regard to The Gnomes of New Hope. Having begun to shift the writing around so that the Libretto and the Illustrated Storybook Collection would also serve the needs of Storyboarding for a Cinema version, it now seems to me that the complexities of each arena must be address quite separately. I pretty much knew this, but a made a strong effort to craft the writing to accommodate each market. Part of that accomodation had been to craft sections of the material in such a way that it allows for expansion. Such expansion is particularly necessary in the film arena.

Film and television have a unique ability to juxtapose time and space in a way that is more difficult, if not impossible in theatre. That being the case, the cinema production need to take place after the stage show. In my estimation, the expansion is desired, whereas a contraction (or perceived consolidation) as would occur, should the theatre show occur after the Cinema or Television, is not desirable from a marketing standpoint.

Clearly, a Cinema Presentation would be quite different from a Television Series. Of course a Cinema version can be presented on Television, but there is a certain conflict between a film version of the story "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" and an ongoing Television Series based on "The Gnomes of New Hope" which includes an expansion if "The Gnomic Tales".

So securing a balance of the relationship between the numerous kinds of productions is critical. As it stands now, the Illustrated Storybooks are first in line, followed by the Parade Float, which incorporates some degree of puppetry, little theatre, and festival presentation. All those arenas are simpler to implement than the full stage musical, but they do provide a degree of development activities that contribute to the stage presentation. Of course, the Feastival and Little Theatre are stage presentations, but they are non-union and therefore less costly, with the intent of moving the overall production toward a First Class presentation. In addition, the simpler productions provide resource material for the larger productions, both First and Second Class, as well as Regional and Community. More importantly, those earlier theatre arenas and publishing will begin to build an audience.

As much as I have a grip on all of this, I am increasingly becoming convinced that these production arenas need to be implemented via an assortment of Business Relationships, putting fulfillment into the hands of persons or organizations with whom Image of the Mind Studios has partnered. The truth is that there are other projects that need my attention, and those projects are becoming increasingly urgent and distracting from the work on The Gnomes of New Hope.

I say this to make my position know to those potential partners. I none-the-less continue on the path, but the truth is that for this to succeed to it's fullest potential, it needs to shift into high gear and for that to happen, we need the right team of people. It's clear to me that there are organizations that already have those people in place and function as a well oiled machine. Such an organization is required for "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" to reach it's fullest potential. 

I am almost finished on my end; Development and I hope to be passing the project into Representation in the not-too-distant future. Keep that in mind, if this is your specialty.