I'm just throwing this in there for the heck of it. Back when I was younger than I am now and playing the flute every day, numerous times a day, for forty plus years. I quit playing for the past few years, for various reasons, but I bought a new African Blackwood Bohem System flute to try to get back to it. I'm also working with an Akai EWI 4000s and a Tenor Sax... as well as a new MIDI keyboard that has drum pads!
But... I think this a cool shot... Not many of them, you know!
I acquired another engine for the International Loadstar CO1600, which needs to be rebuilt and installed, and the crane arm on the truck needs to be made operational. One of the purposes of this truck is to move sets and other supplies.
I'm also prepairing to move a trailer filled in with theatre supplies to the studio as well as tending to a shipping container used for storage and another storage trailer as well.
The artwork is progressing, with a few hundred new sketches in place, albeit in need of refinement, coloring and digital processing. Looking forward, I realize that someday, I will need to embellish The Gnomic Tales, which are briefly exponded upon in BookFive of the Series. I am uncertain how that will pan out, but that is not important right now.
So, having gained some degree of freedom, I am taking the opportunity to attend to other studio matters, particularly the vehicles that are in the process of being rebuilt.
It is a delicate balance, because the publishing work must be continued on a regular basis. If I do not tend to the layout matters pertaining to the rest of the collection, at the least, every other day, then it becomes difficult to implement. It sounds strange to say that, but there is a flow to the process that is hard to describe. The number of components involved in the layouts are hard to keep straight and even more difficult to assure that they are not mismatched, if not tended to regularly. So, overall it is best to stay on it. But there are many other matters which must be tended to. So it's a delicate juggling act.
There are other matters with the facilities that are underway and once that is resolved, I expect that I can tend to renovations to the building that are required.
I may have mentioned that I secured a set of stage curtains, which will be used in setting up the sound stage. It won't be a large stage, with a working area of 16' deep and 20' wide. If need be it could be expanded to 20'x30', but that would cut into upstage and wing space. There's no fly space and the ceiling height is only 14'. But it is sufficient to develop a number of dramas (Nunc Licet) television, puppetry, etc. It also matches the size of the Parade Float. I expect to to bring in an orchestra to rehearse the show and record the score for The Gnomes, although the score is already being produced using MIDI.
Onward and upward. AG