I recently bought a CD/DVD publisher. I know that CD's are somewhat passe', but for the price it was worth it. When I figure out how to run it, I'll be able to produce CD/DVDs more efficently and in bulk. (I should be so lucky!) This is good, because, at the least, I can distribute production materials to the crew and others via this method. You know, script, libretto, music score, etc.
Well, I'm still playing around with the publishing layout. A few days ago I bought another batch of ISBN's because I didn't have enough. So now I have 30, but I still need more. By the time I'm done, I'll have a couple of grand tied up in ISBN's. So as it turns out, right now the published product line amounts to 29 products. I still need to add in the boxed sets, the libretto, and anything else that ends up being published, which can happen later.
So, in getting more numbers, I now need to replace all the barcodes on the books. As I was coordinating the numbers and creating a spreadsheet for inventory and sales, I discovered that the numbers I had assigned to the books were somewhat arbitrary. Well, that won't due. So letting Excel put the ISBN's in order, and making a new batch of barcodes, I needed to reorder the books so that they are easy to manage for inventory and identify for sales. I'm assigning an inventory IMS number to each ISBN. That results in needing to replace the barcodes on all the covers. Ugh.
Better to do it now, than run into problem after things start moving. Well, it does get down to the fact that when the books become listed in the categories, the ISBN's will be a significant factor there. So, being that the collection is a set, it's best that they are in order. I guess now I need a scanner.
. These discs were my way to present the materials. I'm not sure that will work because the size of my file exceeds the capacity of the DVDs. I made these sample discs, only to discover that the graphics covered over an area in the center hole that was needed to write the discs. So I need to rethink that. I know that the entire music score is pretty large. It might fit on a disc if they were all PDFs. So there are a lot of issues with all of this and preparing it properly for it's ultimate use... and people ask me "when will it be done" (which means to say; Why is it taking so long? ) I can't imagine why they would say that. It's only been 23 years. Ha!
The cover letter above is part of the Industry Review Package, which I some ways is out of date. Those materials still apply, but need review. I expect to post that package on IMS Producing Partners, which is a closed blog, requiring a request to view. If you are an Industry professional or investor, you are welcome to contact me in that regard. I expect that I will refine that package on the blog and address the business structure, so it is pertinent.
I am looking to develop relationships that pertain to Licensing, Options, Marketing and Sales. Once these product lines have moved into Inventory, I will need a Sales Manager and I need to develop the Online Shopping Cart scenario. I have tools available to me, but frankly the volume of work involved needs a team. It's a reality that is becoming ever more poignant. You can see that if you've been reading this blog. So if anyone is interested, talk to me.
Beyond that, as I've mentioned before, I'm looking for a Registered Literary Agent to pitch this. There are contractual limitations that cannot be surmounted without that, in order to reach another level of operations. We can do it at IMS, if we have to, but I'd rather not.
The Business Plan accommodates internal operations, but to be honest about it, I'm rather tired and need a break. But I don't want the momentum to be interupted. So... I need to pitch it to external operations.
Onward and upward.