For some time I have intended to integrate animation into the e-Storybook. There are a number of options for doing this. Some years ago, I experimented with video, filming (so-to-speak) a sequence of me doing some dance movements in order to capture the frames to use for drawing the artwork. That process worked quite well and so I have intended on getting the green-screen stage set up. So I have the supplies to do that, including the video equipment, et al, but the publishing work has had to take precedence. Using live actors is one method, but I have also intended on using marionettes in the same fashion. Now that I am setting up an animation workstation, using Poser as one of the tools, digital animation is also an option. I have found that the artwork we already have (and more we intend on creating) can be integrated into the Poser software to create endless scenes from the storyline(s). The trick now is adapting the figures to the size and shape of the various gnomes and learning how to create the skins for those figures. It would be preferable to create the skins from the existing artwork, but we may have to approach it in another fashion. All of this is yet to be seen, as we are just beginning to approach the digital animation arena with the figures. Now that the whole collection is postured for publishing, with the extensive cross-referencing finished, we will be able to move into creating an animated e-Storybook. Even though developing animations that are based on the illustrations is moving forward, the results of that will not be seen by the general public, truth be told, for years to come. It is all very extensive and complicated to manifest these concepts, it depends on many factors, funding and personnel are part of that scenario, which brings with it all the other complexities of producing and dealing with regulations, taxation, insurance and a whole litany of other factors that come into play.
All I can say is: Onward and Upward. AG