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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

PowerPoint Update

I was delighted to find that PowerPoint works so well as a presentation medium for the e-Storybook. I redesigned the layout to work on the current HDTV format, so now the e-Storybook can be viewed on your television.

I may have posted some of these thoughts before, so excuse me for that.

But, not only does the e-Storybook look great on the HDTV, but I can add Narration and animated videos to that format, which I'm very excited about. As I was crafting this new format, I had a revelation. The e-Storybook needs to accessible via a subscription page. At first thought that seems like a ploy, but the truth of it is that, by having access solely via a subscription page it simplifies thing greatly and solves a number of problems

Firstly, a subscription page delivers the books electronically, eliminating a great deal of expense which comes with hard publishing the books. That's not to say that hard copy books are not also going to be available. For now all the hard copy books are published on demand, so you can still order them. You can read other posts about that. But for the most part, I am not going to inventory the books, until the demand to do so warrants it.

Secondly, by making the e-Storybook only available via a subscription, the expense of publishing can be reinvested in the project; creating the artwork needed for the entire collection, sculpting new Garden Gnomes, creating animations, and a whole plethura of other things that need to be done.

Thirdly, by providing it via subscription, I can make the material accessible to you without worrying that it has been released with some portions incomplete, because I can continue to update the material as it is completed, making corrections or adding things like gifs or other animations. Plus, I can add the music and update it as we add vocals, so you will be part of the production process, leading up to the stage show.

So for those three reasons alone it is a good idea. But...

Fourthly, there are issues of security and presentation format which I think will be solved by using an online service to deliver the material to you for your enjoyment.

As I am sure you are aware, this computer/television stuff is constantly changing. That leads me to believe that by keeping the delivery via the Internet, we will be able to adjust the material to the most current systems. If we we're to deliver it via DVD the technology would be outdated before we even got started. But then there are other issues with providing it as a download, issues that are difficult to solve. So, making it accessible via a subscription page solves a great deal of problems that thusfar, I have not been able to solve.

I am working to prepare some of the PowerPoint material so that it can be posted here. I have a few options, one is to post it as a PowerPoint, which would require you to have access to the program. I'm hoping that the subscription page may be able to provide that program, because it has navigational tools not available to a movie file. So I'm still working all that out.

I am setting up a series of videos, which I expect to post on YouTube. The size if the videos need to be adjusted, so the PowerPoint will need to be broken down into smaller videos. The current promotional presentation is around 45 minutes long (which took me by surprise). That doesn't even include the narrated version of Book One. That only explains some of the project. I can't imagine how long the narrated e-Storybook will end up being, after all it is around 800 pages.

Still looking for Vested Producing Partners. Let me know if you are interested.

Keep watch. AG