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Monday, October 1, 2018


That sound good. Maybe we'll hold Gnome Fest in October and sell Gnome Gnog (the adult beverage version).

Well, all these plans are great, but they involve actually doing it! For now I'm still held hostage by the publishing end if things. I'm beginning to think I need to delegate the production activities sooner rather than later.

   I'm acquiring the building at 1325 and there are numerous building maintenance items that are distracting me
In addition, I have equipment maintenance work that is also a big distraction. Add to that setting up the various work stations and by the time I get all this done, I'll be too old and tired to get much of what I have intended for this done. So, I need to fall more heavily into the role of Director and less heavily into the role of Producer.  I say this because the facilities, equipment, and prototype activites are taking away my ability to follow thru with upper level producing. Not to mention the massive energy required in the publishing end of things.

So I think that after this first book is finished and released, I will start pitching this project from another angle. I have managed to build a 10k sq ft shop that gives us what we need to produce numerous aspects of this, but the reality is that we need to aquire sufficient funds to maintain our overhead before we can actually become functional. That means licensing and even though I have a grip on that, I don't have the time to manage that properly. So, I will need to locate an agent who is on board with my existing business plan and no other.

The existing Business Plan make accommodations for a variety of scenarios, so that does not post a problem, but I need players who are playing on our team, not their own or someone else's.

This project is large enough to accommodate a dedicated Sales rep, Theatrical Agent and or Business Manager. I'm required on the Creative end of things and addressing Facilities management. It seems like those aspects have pushed me to the brink of my time, resources, and mental comfort zone.

So, I expect that very shortly, this project will be put forth to larger players in the industry. The first book makes a very good argument in a pitch. That means, when combined with the Business Plan, the right agent will have a rather easy time of cutting a good deal.

That's all for now.