The layout corrections are almost finished, making the book products ready for press. With that in mind, I'm beginning to address distribution management. From my point of view, I am unwilling to provide product on credit or consignment. I am not in a position to inventory retail shelving, so I will be looking for a Distributor with sufficient buying outlets to satisfy around 100k units. I'm guessing that I will need a minimum of 25k in each category to meet pricing objectives.
We are looking at soft & hard cover in both the Gnome-sized and Big People Books. I was hoping for the price points to land at $4.95 & $6.95 for the Gnome-Sized and $16.95 & $21.95 for the Big People Books. That would be MSRP. I believe that achieving that price point will depend on quantity, so I will need one or more Distributors who can satisfy those quantity objectives.
It will be necessary for the buyers to provide a letter of credit that is accepted by my bank in order to fulfill any order, or payment can be made on the basis of 50/50, but I will still need a letter of credit for the balance, in the event the C.O.D. balance is not paid. The letter of credit will provide production funding. I am unwilling to extend credit, since that has caused me problems in the past. I do expect to set up a PayPal page for this project, so that will be in place when the product enters release.
Point of Purchase support materials will be available at additional cost. Details on all of this will be available once the Shopping Cart page is set up.
There are some recent thoughts.
If anyone is interested in discussing being involved (at any level) send me an email;