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Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Artwork of Jency Latta

Updated 5/19

    It seems I attempted to set up a Gallery Page. I'm not sure about that, but I'll try to pay attention to it more, simply because I want to provide a way to view the images that have now been published in Book One.

Also, I will try to insert more character images in the sidebars, since the posts go on beyond what I have already posted.

An early sketch of Gnomeville and The Squirrel's Nest...

...which turned into the one below. There were numerous sketches in between, many of which found their way into other scenes or applications.  For a wonderful view of The Squirrel's Nest check out my Facebook home page. (this link takes you to the IMS page, but you can get to my Home page from there) I love that watercolor, but it cannot serve as the actual Squirrel's Nest because it is too close to the ground. It needed to be higher and easier to hide from view.

 The above image has been refined further and will be available as a puzzle.
(I'll replace this image with that one when I can)


A new page has been created specifically as a gallery of the artwork we are using for the Gnomes of New Hope and I am placing a link in the side bar.  It doesn't seem to want to add try this  The Artwork of Jency Latta