While preparing the Printer's Layout
for the
On-Demand Limited Edition Books
There were numerous unseen anomalies and corrections to be made.
The end result was a shift in the overall look of the pages.
I opted to lessening the amount of ink on the page
by reducing the opacity of the outer page.
I like it better.
BOOK ONE will go to the printer today for a Limited Quantity as I start to build inventory.
If all goes well, BOOK TWO will follow shortly.
In preparing this final layout for the new On-demand printing scenario, I found that making the Industry Review Edition on BOOK ONE this edition has included portions of The Business Plan. So with that in mind, I have decided to produce the Industry Review as the Three Volume Set and include what I have of The Business Plan in Appendix to each Volume. The Preface of Volume One & Two consists of Summaries of the Objectives, while the Appendi consists of the Business Plan. I expect to follow this plan for Volume Three as well.
The Business Plan was a developing document and is in large part conceptual in it's greater degree, because my focus of attention still needs to be on the Core Creative Materials and not on building the Management Structure. I am progressing toward the ultimate Management Structure, having determined the Modus Operandi, but the final stages of the Creative processes must take priority. That does not mean that certain managerial elements can be ignored, for they have been pushed aside for many years for the sake of Development. However, that Development has produced sufficient results to allow for Pre-production to take place. Of course, I refer to Pre-production, mostly in the sense of theatre & cinema, but clearly that also applies to publishing, manufacturing, distribution and sales, specifically of the Book products. Other Ancillary products come into play. But those items cannot be addressed, because of the distraction doing so would cause in these final stages of completing the Core Creative Materials.
Although I must stay primarily focused on the work of completing the Core Creative Materials, which basically only means the artwork for the Storybook and the Score for the Stage Musical, I must also seek to engage the Business Management into gear. This is the purpose behind the Industry Review Edition, which outlines the objectives and a number of options for proceed.
So I do hope to find interested Business Partners in the form of Entrepreneurs, Producers, or Organizations that may want to buy into the Production at any number of levels. Those options are outlined in the Business Plan, but there is room for other propositions as well.
My primary goal after I complete all the registrations is to locate the proper representation, or if a proposition comes into play before that time, we can pass it through legal representation.
I am open to discussions via email; att: Arthur Greisiger
The Industry Review Package is being published as the Three Volume Set. This package will include aspects of the Business Plan, however, the Arthur Greisiger Bio will not be included and may be found on the IMS Management blog. This Industry Review Edition will include multiple versions of the layout to exemplify the current status of the entire collection. That means; some books are finished and ready for distribution, while others have unfinished artwork and BOOK FIVE has not been illustrated at all, basically because it contains The Gnomic Tales, which require a different historical frame of reference from Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure. I will discuss the Illustrations in another post.