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Friday, February 18, 2022

Publishing Update

As you can see below, we started moving forward with completing the artwork for the illustrations. It is my intention to set up my new workstation to use Poser for creating CGI, animation and expedite the illustration process. If we continue using only our previous methods of illustrating it will take at least another five years, time I cannot afford.
Here is one of my other projects, a ground up restoration of this antique Star Trailerized Home. I have numerous projects which await my attention and will distract me away from The Gnomes. It is because of this that I advise potential participants to act on any desire to be involved.

There is the possibility that the first four books can be released on a schedule, but I'm not keen on that, since doing so would risk loosing our audience. You know, once someone gets excited by a story, they don't want to wait, at least, not for too long. So distribution will be held back until we at least have the sketches finished. Once they are done, it will be easier to see the finish line.
A chassis for our puppets, at least one version in the works.

In the mean while, I am currently changing the borders on the layout to accommodate the off-set printer's expectations. The on-demand layouts are finished, but the specs for the off-set are different. I suppose I need to hook up with a web printer to evaluate the layout for that method of printing as well. But, of course, that will only come into play if there is sufficient demand.

There are other products that need to be printed as well, but for the most part, I can handle those items with my in-house printers, since quantity will be lower. I'm speaking about the Libretto and the score.

On the music front; I have been working to acquire additional components for the new workstation, a third Raid Array, a wonderful keyboard with drum pads to link to Digital Performer, a MOTU MIDI interface and new cables for the EWI. These thing will round off our tools nicely. I want to be certain that once we settle in to redress the music, we have everything we need to finish the job. So I expect to be working on music while the artwork is being finished. It would be very nice, if not essential, if the publication and distribution of the books could be timed to sync with the production of the stage show. We need to capture the momentum once it kicks into gear. As they say; "timing is everything".
On another note; I'm becoming very inclined to move the studio to another location, what I expect would be the final location. I thought the current location would be the final location, but circumstances are not desirable to me. Truth be told, even though I have 10k sq ft of interior space and a back lot, it's not enough. I can work with it, but I need more control over the studio space.

I say this because, right now things are set up. So right now is the time to act. If I start to build another space and begin to tear down, move and set up again, it will be at least two-three years before that space if functional, maybe more. I would rather not contend with this distraction, but it may be inevitable.

So if you are a professional who has been watching and waiting, I would not wait too long, not only because of the potential move, but for other reasons as well.

That's all for now. AG