a photo taken around 2015
For the past two weeks I've been working on aligning the Gnome-Sized book cover artwork, particularly the spines. The spines of the books need to match exactly. Even though they are not the same, they need to align with each other so that then boxed set looks right, when the books are in the box. Believe me, that is easier said then done. Part of what makes it laborious is merging the files after making adjustments, checking the alignments, then doing it over again if it is wrong. It's not really just alignments, there are a lot of other factors. The covers involve three print files for each book and there are at least twenty-one book files to cross-reference, being that there are both Gnome-Sized and Big People Books. The Big People Books are also offered in a boxed set, but there is also a Three Volume Set. Now that I'm writing this, I think I will offer the Libretto as an additional set, attached to the Three Volume Set. Eventually, the Score will be bound as another component of that collection. My morning coffee buddy just ask me "Who's going to want the Libretto ?" Well, besides the fact that the material has to be presentable, I see it as a tool for collectors, investors, and production personnel.
I'm also at the point where I'm very ready to pass the baton, presuming the correct party steps up to the plate. After this cycle of publishing work is done, I need to shift over to other studio work that has no immediate connection to The Gnomes of New Hope. I'd hate to loose momentum, but there are just too many things I have pushed aside to get the creative work on The Gnomes done. I'm literally moments away from finishing he Core Creative Materials, as it pertains to the book layouts and I need a break. But the truth is, I'm past retirement age and I can't be sure I'll be able to regain the momentum if it's all on me to do so. So it's about time to bring in some new energy. Certainly, book manufacturing & distribution is one arena in need of expansion. I am well on my way to having the studio set up for manufacturing, but really, I need to focus on theatre production. So, I'm open to an arrangement with another publisher, since IMS is really only engaged in development. Those other business activities are discussed elsewhere. Check on the IMS Virtual Studio at imagemindag.blogspot.com (I'll put a link in later)
As always, I welcome your thoughts via email at; image.of.the.mind.studios@gmail.com
p.s. You will find a link to an older Resume/Bio at the top of the page for Image of the Mind Studios. I hope to place that with an updated version sometime soon,