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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Industry Activity

It's not an easy haul to be advancing a project like The Gnomes of New Hope. My philosophy has been to hold my cards close to my chest. As you may have been able to conclude if you've read any of these posts, this project has been developed to consider the markets across the board.

It's clear to me that, given the right circumstances and in the hands of an organization with a far reaching ability to saturate the markets in a timely manner, this project could fly very high indeed. It was designed to be so, yet there is much more that needs to be done to make that happen. Frankly, it is a phenominal and increasing burden to advance this project on the limited resources I am working with.

When one arena begins to demand a greater degree influx, it becomes very important indeed to correctly evaluate the consumption of resources in the context of the broader advancement of other critical arenas. This can lead to a greater challenge across the board, for the clarity and justification of actions are brought into a position of being required to maintain and support the value of those actions in the overall context.

Now I know that sounds obscure, but it is all a question of balancing the resources with the most viable means to advance the overall cause.

From my perspective, working from very limited resources, it is critical that providing a sound foundation for the full scope of the project be maintained. Entering into the assorted arenas needs to be done in such a way as to lead one into the other, in a specific order that is based on the resources developed. If it were the case that, any number of arenas, were already broached, then applying a greater degree of resources would result in rapid success. As it is, those markets are not established with the IMS  organizational structure, so  resources are required for both internal and external operations. "Therein lies the rub". But that's just the way it is, unless a partnership arises.

So onward and upward, as they say. I'm working on a presentation package, because this has reached the stage where aligning multiple major arenas is, if not required, most certainly, is advisable. Thusfar, the entire package is based primarily on content, with some very significant work done on markets. If I had my choice, my work would continue in that vein. But of course, in the context of First-Class/First-Run theatre/film; other elements, such as significant principles, need to be attached. But in terms of the work I need to do, moving to secure those principles is too much of a burden on my resources and abilities. So I leave those details to a future time, either under my own or someone else's purview.

I still need to shift over from book publishing to music scoring/recording, so even contending with distribution of the published product is a strain.

As it stands, IMS is the publisher with direct supervision over manufacturing, so there is a degree of management for distribution which is encroaching upon completion of the Core Creative Materials. This is something that needs serious consideration, because the strain effects the outcome of the process.

So at this stage, I'm inclined to think that introducing the right Literary/Theatrical Agent into the scenario might be advisable.

Anyway you look at it, I intend to pursue the Parade Float, because that is the simplest and most effective form of staging to advance the cause. Other than that, getting the books into wide distribution is the primary goal. Add to that the refinement of the studio space (10k sq ft) for production and you can see, my plate is full.

I welcome participation, particularly from fellow producers and finnanciers.