Notwithstanding what I said in my last post and the work that is proceeding with the Industry Review Package, I've decided to move forward to publish Book Two of the set.
As you may have read elsewhere, there are Three Volumes consisting of Seven Books in the hard copy edition of Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure.
The Digital Edition is finished (sans missing illustration panels), so I can publish at least two more books before I run into missing artwork. So, while I am waiting to aquire capital influx sufficient for completion of the artwork, I might as well publish whatever is finished. That does not mean I will release the books, that means we will be set-up for production and capable of delivering the goods.
In regard to the artwork; I simply do not want to advance without enough funding in place to assure completion of the work - before enter into the process again. Part of that is because my time and attention is required to such a degree that resources must be in place. That became clear the last time we were working on that end of things.
Now, however, the process of illustrating the story must take a new turn. As I have said before, the next approach to illustrating will involve animation. Not animation as in producing an animated film, for that is a separate effort, but animation in that the artwork will not be static individual illustration panels. Rather, the characters will be designed as composite elements, giving the flexibility to alter the positions as needed while assembling the illustrations in the context of the book layout.
This will result in giving us the resources to create active animations for numerous uses, including assisting in developing 3D renderings.
Now in that regard; I am exploring 3D printing and striving to set-up a 3D work-station. This will be applied to puppetry, figurines, and animatronics. So these elements are a prime concern and a portion of existing resources need to be so applied, rather than being used for the labor expenses of the art department.
So "in a Gnutshell" my primary concern is the studio equipment and facilities and assuring that we are postured for advancing with production in numerous arenas that are critical for expanding on parallel fronts simultaneously, without getting drawn into one market prematurely. It is a question of amortizing the risk and taking a broad sweep across the available markets to create the most effective active public awareness, one that engages the audience to a degree that gives the project sustainability.
The direction of this posting is moving in toward the interests of our Producing Partners, so I will shift to that blog.
That's all for now. AG