The Industry Review Package is almost ready for release. I require a signed Restrictive Covenant Agreement before I will release this Intellectual Property to anyone for review. If you would like to receive a copy of that Agreement via email send me a request ( or look on IMS Producing Partners to see a copy.
The next version of the e-Storybook will be an edition formatted for HDTV and that edition will eventually include videos of each scene, but for starters will have music videos for each song. All of this will take time, but that is the direction we are going, so if you are an investor, that is what we will be raising money for. If I release the e-Storybook to the public, then it is my hope that book sales will fund the CG Animation and puppetry for film.
Once the Industry Review Edition is released and begins to be distributed to potential partners, Licensing and Options are on the table for funding purposes.
Check out IMS Producing Partners and the Facebook pages for both Image of the Mind Studios and The Gnomes of New Hope, since I also post there from time to time. As it stands now, I intend to keep production activities limited to my resources and the studio space in Southampton. If someone has other ideas, let me know. I am open to all possibilities, but I am not holding my breath for someone else to do much of anything in terms of production. One thing I will not do is to go out begging. Been there done that. The extent of the development in this project is such that I can only handle managing the affairs from my studio at this point, since the bulk of the materials reside in the studio and we need to start off by working out of my location.