Work has been proceeding on coagulating the files into a four DVD set which will be available for review by our Producing Partners and other participants. This includes persons employed to fulfill specific roles where this information is required. The documentation on this project is simply immense, so creating a digital presentation is clearly the best approach. Not only because it is cost effective, but it is easier to distribute and the files can be used as master files, which are more easily updated.
The current focus is on the music score, which involves many hundreds of pages. I am reviewing all the materials and printing to PDF the Orchestral Drafts. There are other pertinent files for each song as well. Lead sheets and piano adaptations/reductions as well as SATB Divisi scores.
The Industry Review Package, the Libretto and the Illustrated Storybook discs are finished, although the Illustrated Storybook requires more artwork before it can be published. That subject has been discussed previously so I won't repeat myself.
In the context of completing these materials, my primary focus of attention is setting up and refining the studio space so that it is prepared to meet demand, once we move into active production. Up until now, all activities have been and are considered developmental. I am beginning to move into preproduction to an appropriate degree, although there are aspects that still fall under development. Some degree of manufacturing is ready to proceed in terms of the Ancillary Markets, pretty much only to the degree that can meet the demands that may come into play with walk-ins to the showroom and some expectation of retail sales. This is not a primary objective at this point, but some activity can take place in this regard. The main objective for manufacturing is to meet the demand for product which may accompany the try-out run of the show when it gets mounted. That level of manufacturing is primarily Limited Edition runs. Mass production is an entirely different issue. But anyway you look at it, manufacturing cannot distract from more significant preproduction activities which look toward toward limited production that is used for marketing the product lines to industry and working toward evaluation previews in a number of arenas.
That's all for now. AG