Regrettably, things are slowing down for me on this project because my computing power is becoming increasingly insufficient for this project. The e-Storybook is quite large now, even without the videos installed in the layout. Of course I do not yet have more than the one video (which is posted here) but it is clear that I will need a great deal more computing power than I currently have. I am working around that problem as best I can, but clearly I need to drop some serious bucks into new systems and programs in order to implement this as fully as possible. I am trying to get a grip on DRM and how to best implement that, but it is clear that I will not be able to do that with the current equipment.
So my solution to that will have to be selling some ancillary rights to fund those upgrades. We are working on a number of product lines including the Garden Gnomes (of the characters), refining the formulas for Gnome Gnog (a beverage) Gnome Gnuts (a snack food), and Gnome Gnuggets (a cereal) and an assortment of toys (including figurines & a game board) as well as ephemera. What this means is that - I will be pursuing this means of financing a bit more aggressively. Therefore I seek to communicate with organizations I know of, to discuss this and to set up these markets to synchronize with the release of the film, television and theatre projects ( those markets are also open for discussion).
So if anyone is interested in discussing the purchase a license for these (or other) items, or other thoughts on partnership, and wants a leg up on it, please do contact me in this regard.
Understand that I am pursuing development of these markets internally as best as possible, but that I prefer to license manufacturing & distribution in exchange for production funding. We are very close to being able to release this to the public, but it will be necessary to develop that associated industries before we attempt to do that. So, that being the case our first release will be to those industries and I would hope that someone seeing this who likewise sees the potential will be inclined to contact me.
I would rather not impair the any of the markets by attempting distribution of any item in-house, until I am certain that I will need to do so, and so I am also seeking relationship with an Agency who can negotiate for me on numerous fronts. Thus far, nothing is contracted.
Therefore, distribution of the three volume e-storybook, which would be the first and most important product, is available to an organization of substance who can guarantee international distribution of both the e-storybook and the hardcopy editions. I certainly could distribute the e-storybook in-house, but I'd rather offer that advantage to the organization who will take charge of producing and distributing the hardcopy. Of course the layout is already done, so it is mostly a matter of printing or possibly expanding upon some of the illustrations. To do that would involve further engagement of my Illustrator.
To reiterate: I prefer to focus my attention on the theatrical aspect of this from the Director's standpoint. As far as producing goes, I prefer to stay in the Little theatre environment, because producing for a first class house is more complex than I care to deal with at this point. After all the creative work is done that may be different, but right now the level of concentration required for development of the core product (story & characters) and creation of the music and the technical design elements is about all the brain power I have.
Because of this, I seek to license out the First Class Stage production to another producer who has significant experience with running a successful Union show in NYC. But just to be clear, the Ancillary Rights do not go with that (unless that market is bought into) Producing in the Union environment is not something I care to get involved with, although if, everything else is done and I am forced to do it, I will.
We are advancing with our work on puppetry and are developing a prototype animatronic puppet to tie into our computer MIDI systems. My focus of attention is this, as opposed to mounting the live production, as I intend to produce the animated/puppet version of this in my own studio first. This puts less burden on me for travel and logistics and will allow me to stay in the studio to produce the animations and television product. I am building a stage space with a green screen for this. I currently have 10K sq ft to work with.
That's not to say the live version cannot proceed, or that I will not work on that, but that is contingent on additional producers and financing being part of that process. The development of the live production will take place in my studio in Southampton Pennsylvania, unless other more advantageous circumstances arise.
Well that's all for now. AG