For the sake of our partners who have had faith in the project
by investing time, money and resources to help us prepare this material,
and for the sake of those who have been considering being involved,
I am posting samples of the book product which is almost ready to go to press.
The Hard Cover Book will use a sleeve.
The images do not interpret as well as they actually print
as they are rather dark and not nearly as clear.
as they are rather dark and not nearly as clear.
When the files were converted to a lower resolution JPG
for use here, a great deal of clarity was lost.
But they do print wonderfully
are quite and vibrant & readable
are quite and vibrant & readable
I will replace them when I can adjust the exposure
but these show the basic look.
Here is the Front Cover
This is the
Inside Front Cover Flap
I opted for a more artistic use of the text.
This flap describes the artists involved.
This is the Back Cover
I wonder if the back cover is busy,
but I do find that
the variety
has the effect of
being enthralling
as one studies it
and this is something
which I think we want
for the kids.
This is the
Inside Back Cover Flap
While this flap give a brief history
and defines some other
aspects of the project.
And below are three pages from Volume One
These pages show the full bleed and trim marks
(in the form of a notch in each corner)
While on other pages,
scenes have been composed
within backgrounds.
There is a wide variety of
page compositions
and the text uses
a variety of sizes and shapes
to emphasize the the inflections intended.