We have begun to record the lyrics to the music of "The Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure" in anticipation of submitting to The International Song Writing Contest. We are doing a Love song Duet titled "Completely" and will post that on the IMS Music Studio site when it is finished.
Our first session with the vocalist doing Zach was beset with interface issues and so we have determined to up grade our recording equipment to bypass the interface. As it stands now we are still using a MOTU 324 with a 2408 and I have been unable to patch the unit to give us a real-time feed on the mic signal while also feeding the music. So far I have been haunted by a delay I can't seem to get rid of. We are onto other methods and are about to switch from Digital Performer to Garage Band for recording the vocals. We can then put them back into DP and go from there. I will continue to post production updates on this site and keep the management updates on the IMS Virtual Studio or IMS Producing Partners. AG