Copyright Notice

This is to proclaim that all materials posted on this blog are property of and copyrighted by Image of the Mind Studios/Arthur Greisiger .
These materials may not be reproduced or copied without permission. They are posted here for you personal review only.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Purchasing the Books

Here is a Flyer that was produced years ago
 (when I had no idea just how long it would take to build these books)

It is still valid.

I am building this page to be the online shopping cart for book sales
and will connect via PayPal.

This order form below is outdated as to pricing, but the rest of it is legit.

I will modify the above order form to reflect the accurate pricing.
As of my last production run of prototype books
the MSRP for the books was 
(per book, plus shipping and sales tax) 

 Look for updates to make this page your portal to buy the books.
They will become available after I build the inventory 
and finish setting up the production line.

If you would like to pre-order, you may do so without sending any money
I will inform you when the books are ready for purchase.

Use the contact form in the sidebar.

If you would like a hard copy order form that is easier to read
please provide a mailing address.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Set Construction


The Meadow Amphitheatre
Tamenend Park, Southampton

   The photo above was the stage I built in Tamenend Park and used to start a Shakespearean Troupe called The Shakespeareans of Tamenend Park. That stage is now gone, I disassembled it because vandals kept damaging it and I got tired of fixing it. I lot of other things happened there, but I won't go into that now. The title above is linked to that page. 

   So, for The Gnomes of New Hope, the first tangible construction effort for the stage show will be an aspect of the stage design, not specifically sets but rather backdrops.

   I decided that I can build a setting in the studio without worrying about staffing the show and going through rehearsals. There is a design I want to implement for shifting the setting around, which involves mechanical design. So being that I am putting a sound stage in the studio, I figure I can use that to construct this design I have in mind. Now, the stage I am building is essentially 20w x 18d, a bit smaller that some of the bigger 1600 seat houses, but I figure there are enough smaller houses 500-1200 seats that it would be worth doing for those venues.I can also design elements of that design so that it could be expandable if necessary. In terms of The Bucks County Playhouse, the proscenium there is 29', so the setting can be trimmed down to twenty, only loosing 4 feet or so on each side. I'm pretty sure I will build it in a modular design, so we can expand it if we re in a larger house or reduce it if is in a smaller house. So that will be the first stage of doing the sets. It doesn't much matter, because if the show moves into a union house, the sets will have to be rebuilt by union personnel. 

   So the set construction will be as I described. I'm also thinking of doing a version of the show with stick puppets for film, so we would do that in-house anyway.

More later, AG

Saturday, February 8, 2025

2/25 Update

Here's an early version of this page.
(this low resolution copy is a little dark)
   If you've been watching this blog, you know we've gone through a lot up ups & downs, in terms of thinking the books are almost done. Egads! 
   So, the result of this is that; it seems like it is taking FORVER to get the Illustrated Storybook Collection finished. The truth is that, we cannot force it to be finished. We have taken great pains to represent the story with artwork that express' the text. In some instances we have generally highlighted the text, but in most instances the illustrations are specific to the page.
   Sometimes ago, we began illustrating the components of an illustration separately. What this means is that if an illustration has a crowd of Gnomes in it, we have illustrated each Gnome separately, so I have the flexibility to assemble an illustration as I see fit, being able to move the Gnomes around in the background.
   As you can see, approaching the artwork in this way causes the process to be quite a bit more lengthy. But the end result is - better illustrations, with more clarity. More than that, having the characters separated from the backgrounds, sets us up to do animation. I do expect that once all the Illustration panels are completed for these books, then we will move forward into animating some of the artwork in "old-world" fashion. I have explored 3D CGI. I'm not sure how all this will fit together yet. But I have some ideas.
   That being said, I have counted the pages remaining that are lacking color illustrations.  The number is 60. But, we have a three inch binder full of color illustrations, which are waiting to be scanned and inserted into the book pages.
   So, I don't know the actual status yet, but just guessing, I think there are less than ten pages that need to have the sketches made and turned into color paintings.
   I will be cross-referencing these materials, because I need to ascertain what Jency needs to be working on. 🎬

   One other aspect of this is the set design for the stage presentations. There are numerous versions of the musical. So, with this in mind, I will be constructing three of the primary settings for the show using a design I have that involves shifting the borders and legs as part of the backdrop design. I believe I will fly the blacks to reveal the variable hard props that will exist in those positions. 
   Overall, I am designing the staging to fit a 20' proscenium width and 18' depth. This is a smaller stage setting, but it allows for a wider range of venues.  We'll trim a larger stage for this width. We might be able to expand the design and I expect to take that into consideration, should it be required for a longer run is a theatre with a larger stage.  Of course, if the show goes into a union house, everything will need to be rebuilt anyway, so that doesn't matter much. My focus of attention will be smaller, non-union theatres, as a way to build the audience and do a tryout run.  There's also a mobile stage, which I mention below, so the design will need to service that stage too. 🎭

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

 Revisiting the e-Storybook

This is a sample of the e-Storybook. It's an older experiment,
but, toward the end there is a song we did, which is pretty nice.
It's a duet and it's kind of fun.


   Well, our work on publishing is nearing the end of completing the illustrations. We still have quite a bit to do, but compared to what we have already done, it's a drop in the bucket ! The difference is that we started breaking down the illustrations into more parts. Although the paintings get reduced down to fit on the page (an sometimes they end up pretty small) we started painting the characters individually from the backgrounds and doing so on  watercolor paper sized to 8.5" x 11". The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, there needs to be enough detail in the paintings to make them higher quality, so when they get reduced the detail remains.  Secondly, I intend to produce a gallery exhibition of the Artwork. It really is good quality watercolors. Some are better than others, but it is an amazing feat to have gathered thousands of watercolor paintings for this publishing project. The watercolors are absolutely worthy of being shown in a museum or gallery. The interesting thing is that; I can print the artwork and you would be hard-pressed to distinguish the original from the print. That makes it possible for us to sell signed copies of the artwork at an exhibition.


    Another part of what is happening is that ;I need to upgrade my computers again. The systems I am using are quite fine for the work I am doing, but they are outdated when it comes to the internet.  In fact, I have numerous computers, all of which work fine for what they can do, but (as usual) the technology is changing more rapidly than I am. So I am somewhat forced to upgrade my computers. I am looking at the new Mac Studio M4. So far I found out what I need to do to upgrade my programs, because that also is required. You know how that goes.


     That has led me to explore what needs to be done to set up up to get busy working on the music again. The work on music has been put off until the Storybooks are complete. Little did I know just how many years publishing the books would take.  But in regard to the music, one thing I have in mind is to build a recording studio large enough to accommodate a pit orchestra. Since I am setting up a stage in my studio, I will design it to be used as a sound-stage, green-screen and rehearsal space. I also intend on applying video to that stage, in particular producing "Nunc Licet' for the cameras.

   But in regard to the music workstations, the one I am using for Publishing will be repurposed for music composition ,once the Illustrated Storybooks are finished. The main reason for the delay is that I do not want to interfere with the publishing functions until these books are completed. I can and will set-up more than one workstation for music. I still have the G4 & G5 that we used, I just don't have the time to address setting them up while I am engaged in publishing. In addition to these things, I am working toward setting up an in-house network that will also serve as a test case for the touring needs of the stage musical.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Puppetry Stages

Mobile Stage
 Below are two photographs of the trucks I have available
 to service mobile stage concepts under development.

1962 International CO1600    
 I am now considering this vehicle to carry a
Complete Proscenium Puppetry Stage 
I will be an interesting project, to design and construct the stage 
that will fit the size of this bed, with removable legs, whereby  
the stage can lift up, so the truck can drive out from under the stage.  

This is becoming a very real project, which I am now considering as a tool 
for the puppetry version of the show; The Gnomes of New Hope.

Of course, this cannot happen until after the publishing is completed and 
also in the context of other aspects of the project that are underway.  

This truck is being renovated, in that it will be receiving 
a larger rebuilt engine  and rebuilt hydraulics for; 
 the dumping stake-bed, crane arm, brakes and clutch.

1963 Corvair Greenbrier
The above truck was purchased for the frame and powertrain. 
The intention was to remove the body for the purpose of constructing 
a self-powered 
Parade Float with Animatronic Puppetry 
for use in promoting the musical stage show of 
The Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure.

Clearly, this will be a smaller, different stage than that described above.
Here is what the chassis looks like without the body. Imagine a flat stage stop this chassis, with a cockpit constructed in the center-front under that stage.

As it stands now, this truck may be preserved for restoration, 
as I have more than one of these trucks and I am looking at third parts truck,
which would better serve the purpose of a Parade Float
and allow this Greenbrier to be preserved.

I thought this might be interesting to you.


Friday, December 13, 2024

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture

   The following Business Structure applies to The Gnomes of New Hope, or any other project owned or developed under the umbrella of Image of the Mind Studios

    I will be moving forward to establish The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture as a legal entity and I will be selling 48% of the Gnomes of New Hope, along with all Management and Ancillary Rights to the Joint Venture. The Joint Venture will be responsible for Licensing, Contracts, Establishing and Overseeing primary operations of each division, Distribution, Marketing and Upper Management. The Board of Directors consists of twelve individuals who have bought onto the board and are hands-on Management Individuals, responsible for Implementation, Delegation and Supervision. The Joint Venture has the first option to buy Image of the Mind Studios when the time is right for that to happen.

    In addition to that, at the appropriate time, after all board positions are filled, we will be establishing  The Gnomes of New Hope Limited Partnership to fund operations. 

   Simultaneous to, but shortly after the Joint Venture board positions are filled, IMS Management, Incorporated will be formed as the management arm of Image of the Mind Studios, to oversee Logistics of Production Management and Finance. It will be funded, in part, by the Limited Partnership.


    The Gnomes of New Hope Productions, Incorporated will be formed using the proceeds of the GNH/LP and that division is specifically responsible for production activities and scheduling of the project that shares it's name.  This entity may be involved in all markets, in particular; supervising all Audio/Visual mediums; Theatre, Feature Film, Television, e-Storybook, including Merchandizing. All contract and Licensing will remain with the Joint Venture and personnel must be reviewed and approved by the same.

   Image of the Mind Studios as a whole, is the source of and responsible for Design, Development and  (Prototype & Limited Edition) Production of all Creative Materials : Storybooks (Publishing; hardcopy, Audio/Visual & e-Storybooks), Music Composition & Production, Graphics, Advertising Copy, Film & Video concepts, Animatronics/Puppetry, Festival Production Activity and Prototypes for Ancillary Merchandizing.  Mass Production for Merchandizing, First Run Feature Presentation (theatre, Film & Television) and the Distribution of such, is under the purview of the Joint Venture and it's licensees.  Image of the Mind Studios will at all times maintain ownership of The Gnomes of New Hope and all the iterations or variations thereof.  

   At some point, Board members of each division have the option to buy shares in IMS, leading to the entity being a closely held Corporation and eventually a Public Corporation.

IMS Producing Partners;

    These subjects will be (and are being) addressed on other blogs that pertain to each division and they will  be linked here if and when it is appropriate to do so.

    Direct inquiries are Welcomed - AG

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Producing Partners

From the booth at
The Mitchell Performing Arts Centre
Bryn Athyn Orchestra Rehearsal
( I'm a Board Member and the Technical Director )

    The time is coming for more activity on the Producing Partners aspect of this project. With the Publishing Layout nearing completion and production of the Illustrated Storybooks moving forward, we have a viable product that needs managing. The whole point of the Storybooks has been to build an audience for the stage show and now that those tools are about to be used, it is appropriate to build the management team and to seriously address the Ancillary Markets.

As I have mentioned, the primary mechanism for managing this project is The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, which consists of a Board of Directors, which has yet to be built. Without the completed books, it has not been either practical or possible to build a management team. Even now there is more to be done to lock in the Illustrated Storybooks, but the business structure for the larger project can start to be properly and legally established.

As you may know, Licensing plays a role in financing operations and establishing those markets can begin to take place, with the publishing and active production line of the Storybooks. 

The Libretto and Score For the Stage Musical

As it stands now, we are nearing the end of the Illustration process and I still need to install quite a few paintings into books five, six and seven. Sometimes ago, I concluded upon a different path of creating the artwork, that of sketch, line drawing, watercolor printout, and then painting. This, of course has been the process, but I focused on that, without inserting the finished work into the books, until all the paintings were finished and ready to be inserted. In this way the energy could be more pointedly focused on completion of the paintings, because that process was dragging on and this was my method of rectifying that problem. 

   So now the watercolor components are largely finished, with a few of the more complex illustration panels needing to be refined. Meaning that we decided to approach the panels by breaking them into components, which allows my to compose the panels as I see fit; sizing and placing the characters into a background that can be trimmed, enlarged or reduced as needed. I discovered early on that having complete control over the final illustration also gave me greater control over the composition of the page. This will be quite apparent to those who buy the books, which, by the way, will be made to order. Details of selling the books will be discussed elsewhere.

Suffice it to say that; the management mechanisms are being put into place for our Producing Partners using The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, The Gnomes of New Hope Productions and The Gnomes of New Hope Limited Partnership.

An Early Design for the e-Storybook Packaging
   Once these business organizations are established, that is the direction this project must follow through on. If any other scenario may be lingering outside of Image of the Mind Studios, that needs to be revealed, before we lock in our modus operandi in this regard. AG

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Zachary the Great

    We are beginning to see the end of the Art Creation process (relatively speaking). I have a binder of many paintings, which need to be inserted in the book layout. But we also have many binders of Completed Artwork, drawings and watercolors.  All told, we have over two thousand finished paintings (that is my guess, it may be more).  As I said, the full collection consists of 786 Pages. Many of those pages have Illustrations that are composed of multiple paintings, hence increasing the number of paintings required to complete this work.

   My focus of attention now, is on printing the watercolor drawings out so that they can be painted.  After that, I need to process the scanned watercolors so they fit into the page layout. Some Illustration panels are composed of numerous watercolors like the one above. This is what takes so long to prepare. But thankfully, we are close enough to the end of the process, that I can begin building inventory of the books.

   I have determined to separate the drawing from the painting, so all the artwork is both B&W line drawings and full color watercolors. This will allow us to create coloring books for kids (big & small). After the Illustrated Storybooks are finished, we will consider doing a collection of Coloring Books.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Here is the upcoming Bryn Athyn Orchestra Concert.  

I sit on the Board of Directors of the Orchestra
and the design/publishing of these materials and the Playbill is one of my jobs.
Feel free to print this out and distribute it to your friends.

This is linked to the Orchestra's Home page, but it can be printed out.

This is linked to the Ticket Sales page, but you can also print it to order tickets

Regarding The Gnomes of New Hope Music;

    Some time ago, years actually, I was working on scoring the music, which by-the-way was diverted in lieu of publishing the Illustrated Storybooks, and the hard disc in the Mac I was using completely failed. Talk about utter anxiety ! 

   Well, at the time I was working on Time & Key signatures, and the SATB Divisi for the singers, as this is absolutely needed for a workable score.  When the hard disc failed I lost six months worth of work, work that cannot be reproduced. Yes I can do it again, but it won't be the same as what I had done.

   Recently I sent that hard disc out to have the data recovered. This week I got my answer; "No data can be recovered". it only cost me $500 to find that out. But there is good news here, not about the disc, but about the fact that I found my backup files of all the music and I duplicated them again to another backup disc. It's still a bummer that I lost all that work, but at least we didn't loose all our music.

   There are 33 songs in Act One and 29 songs in Act Two for a total of 62 songs in the show. Whew !

   So I will be setting up a few workstations for music. One for Scoring/Publishing,  a Second for Digital Performer Five with Reason for the voices on a G4 (which we used to compose the music) and a Third for Digital Performer Nine, with Mach Five on a Mac Pro for updated arranging (which may be upgraded),  and a Fourth on my Laptop for remote work with scoring.

   As you can see, the advancement with Publishing the Illustrated Storybooks has allowed me to begin focusing somewhat on moving the music forward. As it is, I am working  toward recording "The Stone of Wisdom" and I have a few people reviewing the scores, piano and orchestra, so that we can have a viable piano reduction. Although, Graeme Bier, who has consented to singing that song for us, has indicated that we should do it using the MIDI orchestrations. I hesitate to use my main workstation to do any work on the music until the Illustrated Storybook is finished being published. The last thing I need is to have a failure of my main disc again. so for safeties sake I am not engaging with music on that computer. I do have three other machines I could use. So now that I am relieved to have found ALL the music, I think I can wrap my head around setting up the G5 Quad to serve as an interim machine and record the music with that. 

    I could also set up my linear A/V workstation again if I had to, but that is connected to the construction of the Recording Studio that I am beginning to plan out. I do not expect that to manifest for a few years, as I need to clear out the space for that construction and that is also tied to reducing the machine shop down in size to free up floor space. Just to give you an idea of other factors that come into play.

   Enough for now.  AG

Friday, October 4, 2024

Story-Telling Sessions

A sample of the Trading Card Design.
I've moved this post up, because today I decided to publish 
every one of our characters 
as a trading card, in this format.

We have over two thousand pieces of artwork,
because our illustrations are broken into many different paintings.

The back of the cards will be different, because 
I intend on using them as Two-fers & Free Passes to the stage shows,
but there will be other applications for publicity
and collectability, of which I am not certain at this time.

I expect that I will include a packet of these cards with every book purchase 
that is made directly with IMS via our Shopping cart, once that is set up.

Here's a link to a post on Story-Telling Sessions on

The Gnomes of New Hope was designed as a Read-Out-Loud Book and as we work to release the Book One of the Series "The Gnomes of New Hope; an Introduction" part of the plan includes reading sessions at local libraries and bookstores. This link discusses some of the work needed for that program and suggests us bringing sponsors into the process. I will be pursuing that by crafting a budget and Production Approach Summary (outline) for that aspect of the project. If you would like to be involved, as a sponsor, reader or manager, let me know; 
If you have ideas about this program, I'm happy to discuss it via email, in person, or over the phone. AG

Just to make it interesting:
Some of the Collectible Trading Cards


Ferny Reading to the young'ns

   We have this Gnomette (Ferny) sculpted as a Garden Gnome (below). We haven't made the molds for the casting, but we did scan her into a 3D image, which we will use for a 3d Printing test.

We used Sculpty. This image was taken when she was under construction.
The sculpture needs to be fired before we can make molds.
I bought a kiln, which is being set-up to do that.

As you can see, she is not yet holding a book.
That book will be made separately.
She is intended for use as a display in bookstores.

Regarding Printing;

    As we progress to completing the Illustrations for the book series, publishing methods come into play. Bringing the wholesale cost down to the lowest possible amount, allows for discounting the MSRP. this gives the retailers and distributors more latitude on the selling price.  But for the sake of registrations, the MSRP is set based on jobbing the components out, which basically means there is a mark-up at every step along the way. If I keep the publishing in-house I can eliminate that markup, or at least reduce it. In-house that markup is not an immediate outlay and I have more control over that expenditure.

   If I receive orders for large quantities, it might be practical to explore a printer who uses a web press. but that would only come after some distribution contracts are in place and demand is increasing, along with income..

   The biggest issue, other than cost is quality. I have found that different printing presses produce different results. And those result are not always acceptable.  This leads me to believe that we need a printing press in house, so that we can maintain consistent results. But beyond that consistency, an in-house press will allow us to print only the quantities that match the orders for product.  Jobbing the product out means printing quantities that give us the best price on the job.  That also means excessive inventory on the shelves. If we have the press in-house, those costs remain consistent and we can print on-demand. The only variable there being that if the press sits idle for too long, that is costing us money.

   So I am up-in-the-air in regard to outlay on one against the other.  Jobbing it out, the outlay sits on the shelf, while setting up a print shop gives us a much more extensive and wide range of capabilities for other product lines and services.  It seems pretty clear what the correct route is to take.  But that won't happen right away.  

   There are other issues at hand; production line practicalities, wholesale distribution, On-line Sales, shipping/receiving, supply inventories, ancillary markets, retail display... it goes on... and on.  So we are approaching it cautiously, but there are "things" in the works that will allow a shift of resources toward crafting the operation to produce these products in-house. In large part it will be an issue of personnel, because certainly, we have the product lines and equipment to do the job. We only need competent and experienced people to implement the plan as fully as possible and proper management and acquisition of the resources, both available and needed.

   That could happen through a partnership with an organization already in place, so long as IMS profit margin remains set on a per item basis and a reasonable percentage is pre-paid, but  that's a discussion for another time within contract negotiations.

   I think a Print Shop is in the cards, as they say.  AG

Thursday, September 19, 2024


An older CD Label Design

    I sent out the main hard disc that was in use when we were writing the music, to recover the data. That disc crashed when I was in the middle of working on the book and I was forced to re-craft the publishing designs (multiple times).  But the music was also on that disc and when it crashed I lost six months of arranging work that was being done, along with the scoring. So I am hoping to recover that work, because as soon as the publishing work is finished I will be addressing the music. It's likely that Shawn will jump back in once the books are finished.

   We are working on one of the songs titled;

  "The Stone of Wisdom"  

Here is the link to that and another song a few on SoundCloud.